yellow all ! i've been abandoning my blog. well, it's not like i have any avid reader or whatsoever, probably one which is my colleague, ANGELINE. babe,hell yeah i miss you loads. you're always my sunshine under the rain..corny much? tell me about it. i'm addicted to this song by kris allen, title-to make you feel my love and also taylor swift's LOVE STORY. biggest hit of the month yo! let's see, i'm in my third week of college already? what can i say about it? hell yeah it's hectic. i'm doing this programme by the name of SAM EXPRESS. it makes all of us an EXPRESSO to. it ain't a joke if i tell you i literally consume god darn coffee every freaking day.i bet my pee smells like pee too. class ends at 4o'clock everyday and once i reach home it's either i knock off or i dig into my homework. where's the life yo?? no life, sorry.
this evening which was about few hours ago,before dinner and before watching ugly betty, i encountered this really funny situation. let me tell you about it. i came home from college all tired and yeeky..had the desire to sleep, so i went into my room, stripped into my comfy house clothes, switched on the air cond and *pooofffff* tidur. no joke. then roughyly about 8o'clock in the evening/night the maid knocked the door and i opened it to allow her in. conversation goes like this..
maid : ah mei..bangun sudah pukul 8, you pergi makan malam dengan abang you.
me : ahhhhh..'blur'. apa? sudah pukul 8? choy yen sudah balik ?? ( in my mind i thought it was 8 in the morning )
maid : yea yea pergi makan kalau tak nanti mdm marah
me : kenapa you tak bangunkan saya? sudah lewat untuk sekolah ni.
maid : --!
me : *check phone for the time, think again about it*...apa !! sekarang baru malam sje?
maid : yeah laaaa.
me : oh okayy.i ingat pagi. tak mau makan la,saya nak tidor.
thinking about it again makes me laugh and wonder what the hell was running through my mind.
okay,so back to my whole college topic, classes are until 4. classmates are pretty cool people. i sometimes wonder what has gotten into me lately. i'm so reserved and quiet these days that it's freaking me out. it's like i've turned into someone else. i am not myself anymore. oh well,i guess this is when the whole..'maturity peroid thing' whereby you usually do some self evaluation one and of thinking what the heck am i doing in this world when my life has no more vision and mission. heck wtf !
oh and btw...HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ALEXIS ! i had a good one but it turned out pretty sucks as i wasn't a good good girl that night. shall not go there.
i am suppose to do my homeworks but noooo..i'm actuaally procrastinating,updating my blog which is an uter waste of time but to come think of it, blogging does this whole reflection thing of what you've done over the past weeks or whenever. hhhhhhhmmmm.does it work like that for you too ? oh well
me : kenapa you tak bangunkan saya? sudah lewat untuk sekolah ni.
maid : --!
me : *check phone for the time, think again about it*...apa !! sekarang baru malam sje?
maid : yeah laaaa.
me : oh okayy.i ingat pagi. tak mau makan la,saya nak tidor.
thinking about it again makes me laugh and wonder what the hell was running through my mind.
okay,so back to my whole college topic, classes are until 4. classmates are pretty cool people. i sometimes wonder what has gotten into me lately. i'm so reserved and quiet these days that it's freaking me out. it's like i've turned into someone else. i am not myself anymore. oh well,i guess this is when the whole..'maturity peroid thing' whereby you usually do some self evaluation one and of thinking what the heck am i doing in this world when my life has no more vision and mission. heck wtf !
oh and btw...HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ALEXIS ! i had a good one but it turned out pretty sucks as i wasn't a good good girl that night. shall not go there.
i am suppose to do my homeworks but noooo..i'm actuaally procrastinating,updating my blog which is an uter waste of time but to come think of it, blogging does this whole reflection thing of what you've done over the past weeks or whenever. hhhhhhhmmmm.does it work like that for you too ? oh well
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